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23.02.18: Weekly I learned <Fun English>


I joined an English speaking club called 'Fun Enlgish' since early this year, as I satteled down in Korea and knew it's going to be hard to have a conversation in English with people anywhere, anytime like when I used to live in NZ. My vocab was getting worse and I was just repeating same sentence over and over when I spoke to one of my friends in NZ. 

It was one of my Todo in 2023 and today was my third time to attend to it. 


Session 1) make a 1 min speech with using two different words 


1. Come somebody's way & Strength

- Come somebody's way 

if something comes your way, you get or experience it, expecially by chance.

ex) Luck had come her way at the very last moment.


# 1min speech about...

when chances come on my way, I need to be ready for catching those chances through building up personal strength in my field.


2. Add on & Reality

- Add on

to include or put on something extra

ex) proposals to add a penny on income tax.

      The private chapel was added on to the church much later.


# 1min speech about...

In reality, our lives have so many add ons that we never expacted. 


3. Get in the way of & Sprint

- Get in the way of something

to prevent someone from doing something, or prevent something from happening

ex) Your social life must not get in the way of your studies.


# 1min speech about...

There was an accident that a spectator got in the way of a sprint game and a sprinter who was coming first was lost.


4. Be on the lookout & Romanticize

- Be on the lookout for (keep a lookout for)

to watch or search for( something or someone): be alert to

ex) Be on the lookout for flooded roads after heavy rainstorms.

      The police officer walked through the neighborhood, keeping a (sharp) lookout for any suspicious activity.


# 1min speech about...

As a senior at work, Suji always gives an advise to juniors at work do not romanticize office work too much because the reality is not the same as they thought. 


5. Pitch & Strategy

- Pitch

to present or advertise especially in a high-pressure way, to attempt to persuade especially with a sales pitch

ex) The man in the shop gave me his pitch about quality and reliability.

      She made a pitch for the job but she didn't get it.

      The city made a pitch to stage the Olympics.


# 1min speech about...

When I was trying to pitch myself to interviewers while I was seeking for a job, I needed to build a stratege to appeal them.


Session 2) After reading the article, share your mistakes and what you learned from it, what you did for solving the matter?

the article we read was this for your information.


When I was younger, started my new career. At that time, I didn't really enjoy mush working as DH so, maybe that is why I lost my interest in any career, or the pleasure of achivement. There were certain rules that you should follow to get good results especially in my previous work industry, I did not really care and I thought seniors didn't reallly care of it much. What a very stupid idea I had. One day I got a feedback of my work performance as I asked to my manager. Of course he knew I was not putting my 100% effort and took a short cut to solving problems. I wanted to be more professional and deduce the better work performance. I started to stick with basics. As soon as I changed my attitude for work, people started supporting me more and wanted to work with me. Also, this motivated me to work harder. 

Sticking with basics are hard, strict, boring sometimes. However, outcome would be the best ever, and people would trust your work.


