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23.03.25: Weekly I Learned <Fun English>


9 Productivity Tips from People Who Write About Productivity

  • Round-the-clock work schedules: Working around the clock, 24/7.
  • Barrage: A large amount of something that is difficult to deal with.
  • Insights: Understanding or knowledge gained from analyzing information.
  • Overarching: Including or influencing all parts of something.
  • Intuitively: Based on feeling rather than conscious reasoning.
  • Conformity: Compliance with standards, rules, or laws.
  • Contrary: Opposite in nature, direction, or meaning.
  • Seduced: Attracted or tempted by something desirable.
  • Restorative: Having the ability to restore health, strength, or a feeling of well-being.
  • Urge: A strong desire or impulse.
  • Deliberately: Done consciously and intentionally.
  • Tendency: An inclination toward a particular characteristic or type of behavior.
  • Leveraging: Using something to maximum advantage.
  • Ruminate: Think deeply about something.
  • Perseverance: Persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.
  • Obligations: duties or responsibilities that one is expected to fulfill
  • Constraints: limitations or restrictions that affect one's actions or decisions
  • Cultivate: to foster or develop something, such as skills, relationships, or habits


1 min speech

  • rob of
  • at the expense of somebody/something
  • leverage
  • strings attached :
  • lure: the lure of something the attractive
  • at your disposal: all yours
  • stall: stop
  • dilution: the act of making something weaker or less effective
  • buzzword
  • Own your time.
  • top performers take steps to ensure a favorable offense-to-defense ratio
  • block out time to work away until you’ve achieved at least one important task


  • Recognize busyness as a lack of focus.
  • It seems to be productive but it robs us of our focus and interrupts making progress on the work
  • busyness is an indication of wasted energy


  • Challenge the myth of the “ideal worker.”
  • Top performers workout and sleep enough and have restorative breaks without any disturb


  • Intentionally leave important tasks incomplete.
  • If you start a project and leave it unfinished, you’re bound to think about it more frequently than after it’s done.
  • Doing so will encourage you to continue thinking about your work in different settings and, in the process, position you to uncover creative solutions.


  • Make a habit of stepping back.
  • we are more likely to find breakthrough ideas when we temporarily remove ourselves from the daily grind.


  • Help others strategically.
  • specialize in one or two forms of helping that they genuinely enjoy and excel at uniquely.


  • Have a plan for saying no.
  • if you do more than reasonably, have a conversation with your manager and listing all the projects you’re currently working on.
  • Indicate which items you think are priorities and invite your supervisor to share his or her opinion. It’s a way of illuminating the constraints you’re under without ever saying the word “no.”


  • Make important behaviors measurable.
  • it helps to track our behaviors.
  • Do things today that make more time tomorrow. Top performers automate or delegate activities that are not a good use of their time.



  1. What are some common productivity challenges, and how can we overcome them? I remove things or block the circumstance around me that distract me. For example, I put do not disturb mode on my phone and turned off the PC Kakao talk. But when it still doesn’t work, I think it means that my concentration level is getting lower, so I try to take a short break, or power nap when I feel really sleepy.
  2. How can we establish and maintain good productivity habits?
    Knowing myself is important I guess. Everyone has a different work environment, for example, so you need to find out how long you could concentrate on one task, and try to eliminate distractions as much as you can. Also do not plan things too much, it makes you feel tired already before you start.
  3. What are some effective time management strategies?
    I make notes my tasks or personal schedule on my google calendar. It not only reminds me what events are coming up but also helps me to manage my time.
  4. How can we balance productivity with self-care and avoid burnout?
    If I feel burnout, I lose the interest of what I was doing. so as I mentioned above, try to limit tasks that the number of things you can handle. Refresh me with workouts or other hobbies like listening to music or something else.
  5. What role does technology play in productivity, and how can we use it to our advantage?
    Technology helps us to improve our productivity in time management wise, so I would say we could learn and use new tech to shorten the time to finish our todos.